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Events in Our Community

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Sun Fun Day Camps (Oliver Parks and Recreation)

Sunfun is back this year featuring a JR (5-8) and SR (9-12) Camp. Registration is $125 for the week or go to the Oliver Parks and Recreation office to learn […]

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Bringing Back the Burrowing Owl (Osoyoos Desert Centre)

Osoyoos Desert Centre Nature TalksFrom the Ground Up: Bringing Back the Burrowing Owl to BC Athene cunicularia hypugaea, the Western Burrowing Owl, is a species at risk in Canada, extirpated […]

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Concert: Francis Baptiste (Firehall Brewery)

Francis Baptiste is an Indigenous songwriter and music journalist from the Osoyoos Indian Band. His forthcoming debut LP, Snəqsilxʷ (Family), features songs in N̓syilxčn̓, a highly endangered language, spoken fluently […]

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